Comments on: #33: Fiverr CEO Micha Kaufman on Freelancing, Building a Marketplace, and Growing a Startup Valuable tools and strategies to starting a blog and growing a side business while working a full-time job. Thu, 11 Feb 2021 19:20:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sohel Rana Tue, 06 Nov 2018 19:59:24 +0000 Very interesting story and super inspiring!

By: DNN Sat, 25 Nov 2017 17:00:38 +0000 Fiverr is one of the most successful online freelance websites on the internet. I don’t know the history of website Plenty of Freelancers allegedly Bernie full-time living writing content for them. In turn, freelance workers get to earn a full-time income working from the comfort of a home or laptop.

By: Ryan Robinson Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:52:04 +0000 In reply to Allen Kimble Jr..

Awesome to hear, Allen! Thanks for listening in 😊

By: Ryan Robinson Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:51:27 +0000 In reply to Dion Lynk.

Woo! You rock, thanks for tuning in Dion.

I completely agree with your sentiment—Micha’s done a kickass job of scaling the marketplace over the years, and now that it’s in a position to help freelancers offer more premium services (above the original $5 price point), it’s turned into a more meaningful platform.

By: Dion Lynk Sat, 04 Nov 2017 06:54:38 +0000 Great Episode Ryan!

You and our fearless leader had such an organic conversation that left no stone unturned! Hearing the passion for Fiverr from our leadership always reignites my fire to continually strive to be; better at business, more efficient in the marketplace and a forward thinking freelancer.

I like when you asked Micha what advice he’d give a freelancer and he spoke on how scaling down services as opposed to scaling up is how the magic happens as a Fiverr seller. In the early days we could only offer services for only $5, and if you wanted to earn more per gig you’d have to be pretty creative in your description and instruction prompts. This (more than likely unintentionally) caused you to offer way more of your time for less revenue, because the framework had yet to be implemented for logical efficiency.

We’ve come a very long way as what you can offer now (and how you can offer it) absolutely nails the services as products model that the Fiverr team brilliantly set out to pioneer. The future of work is now and Fiverr is standing firmly at the forefront!

By: Allen Kimble Jr. Fri, 03 Nov 2017 19:19:23 +0000 Hi Ryan!

I am happy to report that I’ve turned to Fiverr many, many times to build Club No-Kill 2027. All of the talents and services that I require are at my fingertips.

To date, I’ve found help on Fiverr well over 150 times. Fiverr has enabled me as a one-man operation to lay the groundwork for a world class enterprise that is preparing to re-invent the way fundraising is done in the universal animal rescue community.

Even though I’m currently in the launch phase, I will continue relying upon the services and talents of Fiverr during my ten-year journey to move the world towards achieving 100% no-kill of healthy pets in animal shelters.

Allen Kimble, Jr. and “Vinny the Pug”
