Comments on: What time do you work on your side project? Valuable tools and strategies to starting a blog and growing a side business while working a full-time job. Fri, 26 May 2023 18:14:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: ben Fri, 26 May 2023 18:14:42 +0000 i dont know were to start

By: Ashley B Tue, 06 Nov 2018 14:05:58 +0000 I had to get more intentional with my schedule and literally mapping out every single thing in my day. I have to make them as appts with myself so I stay on track even when I lack the motivation. I work this in the pockets of my time so sometimes it’s the morning and sometimes in between work meetings, in the car while running errands, and a lot in the evening if I didn’t get much done in the evenings after dinner 7-9 pm. I love blocking out morning hours after my workouts during the weekend. In typically relaxed and in a good head space then which is good for network marketing. But being specific with what I’m doing during those 15/20/30 min increments is what is changing my business into more income producing activities vs. busy work.

By: Eric Tue, 13 Mar 2018 15:20:58 +0000 I’m just beginning to work on my side hustle and, consistent with my discipline and focus around passing the CPA and CFP exams while working full-time with two kids and a working spouse, I’m considering applying the same technique: 2 hours before work Mon – Thurs, brain rest Fri, 3-4 hours each Sat/Sun. However, I want to ensure my mind is positioned for optimal performance during the work day and am wondering if anyone has any experience/opinions on this. I read about entrepreneurship like it’s going out of style and have noticed some of the greats (i.e. Mark Zuckerberg) make very few if any decisions in the morning (Deciding what to wear) to preserve their mind for more important decisions to come later in the day (The next FB acquisition). Curious what your/anyone’s thoughts are on this. Great post, thanks Ryan.

By: Andrew Mon, 29 Jan 2018 05:16:26 +0000 Great post! I find that become more efficient with your time is a fun game.

I typically try to wake up an hour or so before work to crush it on my side hustles. I’m also a big fan of working on a side hustle at work. For most jobs, you won’t be busy 100% of the time. So using down time during those periods can really add up over the course of a year.

I also try to spend time at the gym thinking about new ideas (i.e. blog posts, online course ideas, etc.) I think it’s an effective use of the time while you’re on the treadmill!

By: Ryan Robinson Fri, 19 Jan 2018 19:37:52 +0000 In reply to Kyle.

Thanks for sharing, Kyle! I’d have to agree with you.. I’m in the same boat with being burnt out and frazzled by the end of a full work day. Giving myself the best time of my day to work on side projects was a major game-changer for me. Mind if I ask how you stumbled upon my blog? 🙂

By: Kyle Thu, 18 Jan 2018 23:51:27 +0000 Before and after work for me. Before work is actually the best time when I get the most stuff done… after work I tend to be pretty frazzled and end up getting distracted a lot more.

By: Christopher Sat, 06 May 2017 01:30:15 +0000 I work on my projects at night time and saturday morning after breakfast. but for me, the night is best.

By: Ana Oliveira Sat, 06 May 2017 01:22:03 +0000 I really prefer to work on my projects at night, they seem to work better.

By: Peter Miller Thu, 04 May 2017 07:51:07 +0000 Great post-Ryan! I usually work at night time. When I am free from Work tension or stress. At night I can think freely and can take my time to develop or to add something innovative to my website. In Morning hours the time is limited and I can not do much because of the upcoming work Loads. So for me, Night time is the best.
