Comments on: What’s your side hustle story? Valuable tools and strategies to starting a blog and growing a side business while working a full-time job. Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:54:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Robinson Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:54:05 +0000 In reply to Sellve.

Nice! Good luck šŸ™‚

By: Sellve Thu, 21 Jul 2022 16:16:46 +0000 Hi Ryan,

Thank you for this, I have been hustling way back from school and developing educational base applications and it has not been easy….

By: Susanne Sanders Thu, 17 Jan 2019 21:28:00 +0000 I have always loved crafting, and I have always felt like everyone can share that passion with me.
By accident, about 5 years ago, I got started doing home painting parties. The kind of thing like the wine and paint stores. Except I come to your home and my items are hand cut wood projects made by myself.
Basically, I cut out wood designs, and you get your friends together to party. I bring everything you need to leave the party with a great finished project. All you supply are the friends, and tables and chairs.
My side hustle has expanded and grown šŸ˜- to the point that I can, now, give back by doing these parties as fundraisers!
I learned a few things in the beginning of my hustle career- one is to get your money up front!
But through the years, I have grown, and I feel like I do a pretty good job. Itā€™s something I am passionate about, and I have many repeat customers that I can count on to keep me up and running.
I love meeting people, and being around people. This motivates me to keep going. Seriously, I feel like I am able to share Godā€™s love and blessings through this ā€œministryā€. My craft is a God-given talent that I do not take for granted.

By: Lisa Blaurock Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:48:23 +0000 My story:

After having my kids, I always struggled with my weight. I even had lap band surgery (also had the band removedā€¦ long story). After having my band removed my doctor told me he would see me back when I started to get the weight back againā€¦ What??? Frankly I was pissed off so I started to look for answers because I hardly ate anything and slowly the weight start to creep back onā€¦ well I found a doctor that suggested I get an allergy / intolerance testā€¦ at the cost of $850!!! But I was desperate for answersā€¦ got the results back and found out that I was allergic to gluten and dairy among other thingsā€¦. I immediately went cold turkey and I realized all the issues I was having with heart burn, burping, upset stomach etc. was due to my FOOD.

Several months later my daughter (a collegiate athlete) complained of her constant upset stomach and bloating. So, I decided to find a less expensive way to get her testedā€¦ I thought I had found a good price at testing for $250.00ā€¦ after getting her results (just like me, she is gluten and dairy intolerant) I decided affordable allergy testing was needed. I contacted a lab out of the UK and asked to partner with them. That is how Affordable Allergy Testing was created.

Now my mission is to spread the word of affordable testing and when you get your results it is up to you on your responseā€¦ I have had some customers go all in like I did but I have also had some just keep the information in the back of their heads so they know when they eat something and they donā€™t feel good they know it isnā€™t a ā€œbugā€ it is a reaction.

I am not asking everyone to change their lifestyle but I want to give you the tools to know what is happening to your body at a particular time.

Feel free to contact me with questions, remember I am not a medical professionalā€¦ just a mom and a woman over 50 that wanted answers.

Lisa Blaurock

By: Maheboob Ali Wed, 31 May 2017 05:01:50 +0000 Hello Ryan,

I am working in company as full time job, its project of Telecom field ,Also i wanted to start side Business , please guide me in the way by that i can start my own Business.

By: Jonad Loape Mon, 29 May 2017 06:57:10 +0000 Hello there! My side hustle is writing a book of ten chapters of which i’m preparing to start the sixth chapter of it. My greatest milestone is sharing ideas and quoting the pharagraphs from my book with my facebook friends and those around me, and the respond i’m receiving is so good; it does inspires me continue writing to change the lives and make people feel good about themselves, abilities,talents and skills. Because i believe each of us has the sole purpose to fulfill and as long as it is not fulfilled, one hasn’t lived fully yet.
I’m seeking the correct platform to share a message that will change the state of imagination of our fellow people, we all need each other in one way or the other to be where we supposed to be.

By: Xavier Umeh Sat, 27 May 2017 09:14:12 +0000 Music production is my side hustle story. Looking forward to the podcast Ryan

By: Raymond Dale Sat, 27 May 2017 01:14:57 +0000 Hi Ryan,

I am working on something, something that would help searchers find a small crashed plan, but my biggest problem is finance, you would be shocked how little finance i have, reason being, is because I am fighting a corrupt political-legal system over my murdered son, I am waiting to here from an inquiry into this now, but I do not hold my breath, as I know this system is so corrupted. I am aiming for a compensation in this matter. So I can not get much ahead with this wretched thing on my neck. Regards Ray Dale

By: John Davis Mumba Fri, 26 May 2017 12:17:49 +0000 Hi Ryan

I have established my own consultancy firm, which I have been managing since 2013. The consulting firm is specialized in providing Training Development, Community Development and Financial Advisory Services. We are targeting mostly; Non-Governmental Organizations, Community-Based Organization, Public and Private Sector, Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Individuals.

Currently, the firm is implementing a programme called Setting Personal Life Goals and Planning for Retirement. We have been trying to market this programme for the past five months. The purpose of this programme is to assist individuals still in formal employment to plan ahead and psychologically prepare for their future by exploring investment opportunities and build their financial base through savings. Our strategic approach towards implementing this programme is by working with and through companies. During our interactive meetings, workers are encouraged to explore avenues and options aimed at maximizing saving strategies while still in employment. We believe that through this strategic approach of holding awareness meetings with employees their respective firms can as well try to find creative strategies of supporting their staff and enable them to psychologically prepare for life beyond formal employment.

Though I have not yet got a contract, I am motivated with this business idea because of its potential market. Each year there is always huge number of employees approaching retirement age and of course individuals who opt to go on early retirement.This is my side hustle Project that I am working on.

I would love to be part of your of your podcast, hoping that I would gain some insights from your sharing and input from others.

