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#60: How Alex Berman Uses Cold Email to Generate $1 Million/Yr in Revenue

About the Episode:

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Alex Berman, CEO of the agency, Experiment27, where he and his team help dozens of other digital agencies with generating more leads, getting more referrals, and launching high-converting outbound selling campaigns.

When I say Alex is a pro at sending cold emails, that couldn’t be more of an understatement because he’s literally sent millions of cold emails both for his own business and on behalf of his clients—all with the goal of closing a sale.

Over the years, Alex has worked with various startups, agencies and as a freelancer in New York City, and when he eventually found himself  as a director of marketing for one of those companies, he noticed a massive gap in the marketplace where he could put his own marketing skills to use helping agencies and freelancers get better at generating qualified leads THAT is when Experiment 27 was born, and just two years later, the agency’s now earning over $1 Million in annual revenue.

In Today’s Episode, We Talk About:

[02:28] What book he’s reading at the moment.
[05:08] Where he’s originally from and how he got to L.A.
[06:08] The very first business he went into.
[08:28] His recommendations on where to start with cold email campaigns.
[12:04] How long it took him to nail down his processes.
[14:01] How to come up with good subject lines for your target audience.
[16:15] The amount of money he’s made for cold emailing companies.
[17:18] How long he’s been at Experiment27.
[19:29] How many clients they currently work with at Experiment27.
[20:59] The first client he landed at Experiment27.
[23:01] How many cold emails he’s sent for Experiment27.
[25:46] How much revenue they make at Experiment27.
[27:17] Strategies he recommends for anyone looking to acquire your first paying client with cold email.
[28:47] Campaigns he’s tried in the past that have failed.
[30:30] The best investment he’s ever made in terms of acquiring new clients.

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Resources Mentioned:

Stay Hungry by Sebastian Maniscalco

Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue

Connect with My Guest:

Alex’s YouTube Channel

Alex on LinkedIn and Twitter

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In today’s episode, we’re talking to Alex Berman, CEO of digital agency, Experiment27, where he and his team help dozens of other agencies with generating more leads, getting more referrals, and launching high-converting outbound selling campaigns. We're hearing about how he uses cold email to generate $1 Million...

Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

Blogger, podcaster and recovering side project addict. Head of Content at Close. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog, make money blogging and grow a profitable side business. Be sure to try my popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer tool, as well. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter and YouTube about our feelings (and blogging, of course).

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1 reply to “#60: How Alex Berman Uses Cold Email to Generate $1 Million/Yr in Revenue”

  1. Thank you Ryan and Alex for this episode. I’m hoping it helps us get new clients with
