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#104: How to Build a $50,000/Month Service Business with Madeline Lambert of Content Refined

About the Episode:

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Madeleine Lambert, the co-founder of Content Refined, a Canadian-based content marketing firm that helps affiliate marketers, eCommerce brands and SaaS companies to grow their traffic through data-backed content marketing.

After starting her career in the somewhat unrelated fields of project management and customer relations, Madeleine made the decision to move up to a small town surrounding a ski resort near Toronto.

Once she settled in, it was clear that the opportunities for well-paid jobs were pretty few and far between, so she began teaching herself the ins & outs of content marketing, writing, and SEO. It was then that Madeleine started working as a freelancer, eventually landing a project with an online entrepreneur that’d soon become her business partner in launching Content Refined.


In Today’s Episode, We Talk About:

[02:19] Where Madeleine currently resides.
02:41 On skiing and snowboarding.
[03:04] How she ended up living in a ski resort town.
[04:21] How she got into content marketing.
[05:59] How she met her co-founder.
[07:55] How to get started with content promotion.
[10:48] What to focus on when writing to rank organically.
[07:05] About the service they provide at Content Refined.
23:50 Her number one piece of advice for anyone looking to build a profitable remote company.
25:51 The best investment she’s made in order to grow her business.

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Resources Mentioned:

Market Muse (Content Marketing Tool)

Connect with My Guest:

Content Refined

Madeleine on LinkedIn

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Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

Blogger, podcaster and recovering side project addict. Head of Content at Close. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog, make money blogging and grow a profitable side business. Be sure to try my popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer tool, as well. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter and YouTube about our feelings (and blogging, of course).

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6 replies to “#104: How to Build a $50,000/Month Service Business with Madeline Lambert of Content Refined”

  1. Wow! It was a very informative podcast. Thank you very much, guys.

    I just started to learn marketing to start my logo design business.
    Always enjoyed learning the stories of successful people.

    So I mean it. Thank you for this awesome information orgy.

  2. Thanks for the information. Is a really nice business and I would like to be a successful lady with the business. How will I start my on blog ?

  3. Great podcast. This is the second podcast of yours I’m listening to and I must admit you’re generous with your resources. I’m new to all this and you’re helping me ‘unfurl my wings.’

  4. Wow! It was a very informative podcast. Thank you very much, guys.

    I just started to learn marketing to start my logo design business.
    Always enjoyed learning the stories of successful people.

    So I mean it. Thank you for this awesome information orgy.



  6. I really enjoyed this interview, thanks for sharing so much Madeleine!
