Comments on: #98: Award-Winning Writer Jory MacKay on How to Craft Amazing Blog Content Valuable tools and strategies to starting a blog and growing a side business while working a full-time job. Thu, 11 Feb 2021 19:47:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Robinson Sun, 17 Feb 2019 16:49:09 +0000 In reply to Jason Dummer.

Keep up the good work, my man! Seriously, my best advice to you is to just keep reading a lot—and writing even more. The more you can write and just give yourself focused blocks of time to sit down and write without any specific goal or pressure around the deliverable, the more you’ll start to find your own voice and style over time. Don’t force writing about topics you’re not personally interested in either, give yourself the opportunity to explore topics you care about.

I’m happy to help out however I can! Keep in touch, and there are a few courses that might be useful around honing your writing craft in these two articles:

By: Ryan Robinson Sun, 17 Feb 2019 16:43:53 +0000 In reply to Tibs.

Thanks for listening, Tibs!

By: Jason Dummer Sun, 17 Feb 2019 15:44:02 +0000 Hey Ryan,
Great podcast, as Jory suggested in the beginning of the interview he suggested to reach out to other people in the space. So in an effort to follow his advice, I thought I would reach out to you. 4 years ago I rented my website, two years ago. I put it online, and….. posted 3-4 post in the past two years, and when I switch from HostGator to Blue host last fall I lost all my post, and even then it was more of a rant than good content. I also was and still am trying to identify my nitch. It takes me about a week to write research, write a draft, and re-read, edit before I post (When I’m not taking classes).
In addition, working a full-time job (in Afghanistan) going to school full time (MBA), I struggle with creating content. I seem very slow, as just typing this message has taken me 30 minutes. Aside from the time, I struggle with limiting self-doubt as I failed English both in High School and College, but I have always wanted to be a good communicator, but I have found I’m okay at doing the Military thing. However, there seems to be an unfulfilled desire that will not go away. I am waiting for the military to send me to broadcast journalism school, and after listening to this podcast, I think my love for business, self-development, and entrepreneurship might be useful to help start-up companies and entrepreneurs better communicate there ideas to investors after completing my MBA.

Anyway, thought I would reach out to you and connect with you. You have SO much content on your site it will take me a while to consume, but until I hear back from you in addition to my readings for class, I plenty of content to consume. Any suggestions on good classes that is a step by step instruction on learning how to go from a blinking cursor to 9-10,000 word past like your 101 Essential Online Business Tools I’ve Used to Start a Profitable Website! Based on my last post that would take me 6 months to produce.

So, here’s to building my network… as suggested.


By: Tibs Thu, 07 Feb 2019 17:25:54 +0000 Interesting and useful info, writing steps for great content!
